Small Bird Daycare
  • Center
  • Full time
  • Part time
1 month - 5 years old
Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Bilingual, Play based
Arabic, English
Arabic, English
MT License: #PV110196  
Learn more about provider licensing.
Programs & availability
Infant (1 mo - 1 yr)
Infant (1 mo - 2 yrs)
$50 - $1,050 / day & month
Toddler (2 - 5 yrs)
$50 - $850 / day & month
About us
Hi, my name is Ghalia and I'm looking forward to meeting you! I will take care of your children, like they're my own. This is the first time I have my own child care program but I've worked at another child care program for three years to gain experience. I will speak and sing to the kids in Arabic and start teaching them how to write in Arabic as well.
2625 Briggs Street, Missoula, MT 59803

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