Full time
Part time
Programs & availability
Toddler (2 - 3 yrs)
$82 / month
Preschool (3 - 4 yrs)
$120 / month
Preschool (4 - 5 yrs)
$165 / month
About us
The preschool program at Steilacoom Cooperative Preschool is designed to meet the needs of families and children of Steilacoom, Lakewood, DuPont, JBLM and surrounding communities. We provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment for children and families. The preschool is affiliated with Bates Technical College. We also operate annually on the Clover Park School Schedule in case of weather-related emergencies or school cancellations and/or holidays.
In a cooperative preschool, the parents work alongside the teacher to ensure that each child benefits fully from the curriculum. The tuition is affordable because of parent participation. Every parent is important to the success of our program. The participation of parents ensures the success and growth of every child that comes through our doors.
What is a cooperative preschool?
A cooperative preschool is a parent/child participation program. Parents enroll in a parent education program at Bates Technical College, and enroll their child in the cooperative preschool of their choice. While parents are enrolled in the program, they earn college credit in a continuing education program. (You do not have to be a college student to enroll your child).
Bates-trained cooperative preschool teachers plan the curriculum. The parents’ job is to help conduct the non-profit business of the preschool and ‘work’ in the classroom on a rotation or schedule.
Why choose Co-op?
Co-op Preschools...
are the best place to learn right along with your child.
let parents participate in their child’s education.
provide Parent Education opportunities.
have a high adult to child ratio, which means lots of helping hands and individual attention for each child.
have affordable tuition and a very high quality program.
have excellent teachers who regularly update their knowledge and skills at Bates Technical College workshops and seminars.
receive lots of support and information from early childhood professionals at Bates Technical College and in the community.
have a healthy and safe educational environment for children and their parents.
use approved practices within the guidelines of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
recognize that parents are the most important teachers children will have.
give parents a chance to celebrate those fleeting first few years with their children and build a great foundation of respect and cooperation.
10630 Gravelly Lake Dr SW, Tacoma, WA 98499